Interesting perspective here: mccannhateexposed [licensed for non-commercial use only] / Campaign of sustained abuse, speculation and misinformation
Contains an extract from the McCann's book for anyone interested in their point of view.
Page 310 of "Madeleine" by Kate McCann
Contains an extract from the McCann's book for anyone interested in their point of view.
When criticism surfaced shortly after Madeleine was taken it was hard to bear. Nobody likes to be criticized, but this was kicking us when we were down. Then the criticism started to turn nasty. We received letters spitting venom like 'Your daughter will be getting tortured and it's all because of you,' or 'Your daughter's six feet under. Shame on you,' and those were the restrained ones. Other letter-writers took a warped pleasure, it seemed, in going into lurid detail which I couldn't bring myself to repeat here about what might have happened to Madeleine 'because of you'. Having to cope with this on top of our raw pain almost pushed us over the edge. We simply couldn't understand why anyone would want to inflict more agony on us. These people were actually taking the trouble to sit down and write this filth, to spend money on a stamp and take their poison-pen letters to the postbox. Did this make them feel better? Needless to say, after Gerry and I were declared arguidos the abuse escalated. We had mail delivered to our house addressed 'Child Killer Kate McCann' and 'The Lying Bastards'.
The internet has provided individuals like this with a largely unregulated opportunity to set up websites and forums and blogs where they can share their bile and hate with other faceless, anonymous lowlife, all locked away in their bedrooms talking to each other online."
The internet has provided individuals like this with a largely unregulated opportunity to set up websites and forums and blogs where they can share their bile and hate with other faceless, anonymous lowlife, all locked away in their bedrooms talking to each other online."