Yet another scam to ensure we all buy new cars every few years.
The car is a loss leader, their main income stream is in servicing/maintenance.
Time was, car manufacturers included rust traps to catch mud and salt so the car rotted
and fell apart after a couple of years. The public cottoned on to this and now manufacturers include electrical gadgets which will fail in a similar timeframe requiring replacement of a complete module (Only £500 plus another £500 labour to fit it, tell the main ECU it's been changed etc.)
So what happens when POST (power on self test) indicates that a sensor has failed?
- 'I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that'.
- Tow-truck, main stealer, new module, reprogramming, big bill.
Yes, I drive a Discovery....
The car is a loss leader, their main income stream is in servicing/maintenance.
Time was, car manufacturers included rust traps to catch mud and salt so the car rotted
and fell apart after a couple of years. The public cottoned on to this and now manufacturers include electrical gadgets which will fail in a similar timeframe requiring replacement of a complete module (Only £500 plus another £500 labour to fit it, tell the main ECU it's been changed etc.)
So what happens when POST (power on self test) indicates that a sensor has failed?
- 'I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that'.
- Tow-truck, main stealer, new module, reprogramming, big bill.
Yes, I drive a Discovery....