Hi, I am new to contracting. I recently went for an interview and due to certain circumstance have been asked if I will contract for 6 months until they are in a position to offer me a permanent position. The permanent position is not guaranteed.
We are yet to discuss rates, and I am not too sure how to handle the conversation. We did discuss a ball park figure for the permanent position. I don't want to up the rate just because it is contract, but I also don't want to earn less. I am not yet sure whether to go the umbrella or LTD company route, but I imagine that doesn't really effect this rate decision. I would like this to develop into a permanent job, and don't in any way feel they are trying to take advantage or anything like that. Any ideas anyone? Would you simply work out the required annual rate, divide by the number of working weeks to work out a daily rate? Or do I need to add on extra to cover any expenses I am not thinking about? I think the benefits I would lose is pension, sick leave and annual leave. Thanks in advance for any advice.
We are yet to discuss rates, and I am not too sure how to handle the conversation. We did discuss a ball park figure for the permanent position. I don't want to up the rate just because it is contract, but I also don't want to earn less. I am not yet sure whether to go the umbrella or LTD company route, but I imagine that doesn't really effect this rate decision. I would like this to develop into a permanent job, and don't in any way feel they are trying to take advantage or anything like that. Any ideas anyone? Would you simply work out the required annual rate, divide by the number of working weeks to work out a daily rate? Or do I need to add on extra to cover any expenses I am not thinking about? I think the benefits I would lose is pension, sick leave and annual leave. Thanks in advance for any advice.