I'm approaching the end of a 5 month contract and have been told the client is going to offer me a 6 month extension. I didn't negotiate on the rate when I first spoke to the agent, because I really wanted this particular contract. So I've gone in at the lower end of the range of market rates. I had no problem with this because it's been a great client and project to be involved in. However I didn't bank on being here for a year - and it's very demanding in terms of travel and workload - to the exclusion of almost everything else from my life. If I'm going to stay for another 6 months, which I 'd like to, I'm not willing to lose out on rate anymore.
So I want to negotiate a rate rise at renewal. BUT, the agent is a very senior rec con and will eat me alive in any negotiation. I get on with him well (in so far as you can ever do with an agent), and have had no problems with him, but he's very much the slick hair-gelled-up barrow boy type.
How should I go about securing the rise? How do you do it?
Any advice/abuse/whatever welcome. Thanks
I'm approaching the end of a 5 month contract and have been told the client is going to offer me a 6 month extension. I didn't negotiate on the rate when I first spoke to the agent, because I really wanted this particular contract. So I've gone in at the lower end of the range of market rates. I had no problem with this because it's been a great client and project to be involved in. However I didn't bank on being here for a year - and it's very demanding in terms of travel and workload - to the exclusion of almost everything else from my life. If I'm going to stay for another 6 months, which I 'd like to, I'm not willing to lose out on rate anymore.
So I want to negotiate a rate rise at renewal. BUT, the agent is a very senior rec con and will eat me alive in any negotiation. I get on with him well (in so far as you can ever do with an agent), and have had no problems with him, but he's very much the slick hair-gelled-up barrow boy type.
How should I go about securing the rise? How do you do it?
Any advice/abuse/whatever welcome. Thanks