Has anyone else noticed these days that from the time you submit your CV to the time it takes to interview has generally got longer?
Pre-2000 it was interview on day 1 and start day 2. Now I submit my CV and a week or 2 later get feedback as to whether I get an interview or not. I have a couple that have been going on over a month now and one public sector client wants to book me from late July!! Just had a tele interview for something I went for last month.
It does seem that clients have got their act together so they make time to make the right selection - just means these days you need to plan more in advance when looking for the next contract if you don't want a gap.
Pre-2000 it was interview on day 1 and start day 2. Now I submit my CV and a week or 2 later get feedback as to whether I get an interview or not. I have a couple that have been going on over a month now and one public sector client wants to book me from late July!! Just had a tele interview for something I went for last month.
It does seem that clients have got their act together so they make time to make the right selection - just means these days you need to plan more in advance when looking for the next contract if you don't want a gap.