Thinking about next year when it looks as if it's going to be beneficial to make your other half a shareholder for their 5K of divvies -
Assume the relationship is "till death do us part" (I'm more likely to off him than divorce him) - what are the pros and cons of making him a director too? Does it justify him being a shareholder and does that need justification?
Someone mentioned ER - I haven't looked at this, I assume the benefit would be his CGT allowance.
Would he have to fill out a tax return?
What else?
Assume the relationship is "till death do us part" (I'm more likely to off him than divorce him) - what are the pros and cons of making him a director too? Does it justify him being a shareholder and does that need justification?
Someone mentioned ER - I haven't looked at this, I assume the benefit would be his CGT allowance.
Would he have to fill out a tax return?
What else?