Nigel Farage lying again, who would have thought of that:
Farage could be seen holding up a piece of paper, which did not bear the signature of himself. It bore the words “Article 50 … The rights and obligations deriving from the Treaties would therefore extinguish”. Here, he concluded, was his evidence that Britain would not have to pay anything to the EU after 2020. He Tweeted out “Even Article 50 claims we would have no obligation to pay anything to the EU after 2020”. Take that, cheese-eating surrender Europhiles!
But, as Captain Blackadder might have observed, there was only one thing wrong with this idea - it was bollocks. One, that wording does not come from Article 50 (no surprise there). Two, the wording, which comes from a February 2016 European Parliament briefing paper on Article 50, has been taken out of context. It actually reads “The rights and obligations deriving from the Treaties would therefore extinguish, at least to the extent agreed between the EU and the withdrawing state”.
So it was no surprise that Mr Thirsty later decided to delete the Tweet he had sent out, in which he held up the piece of paper with his fraudulent “Article 50” statement on it.