Originally posted by robertasmith
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That said there is probably no reason, other than bank rules, why it has to be a Chartered Accountant. In theory you should be able to confirm the details to them, but banks being banks prefer officialdom.
Re ICAEW. It's hard to draw conclusions. A lot of firms are intentionally de-registering from CCAB (The umbrella which covers ICAEW, ICAS, ACCA, CIMA, CIPFA) oversight, as its not legally necessary and it's perceived as just being a burden - is a case of economics - the sales vaue of letters versus the hassle factor. And also, its worth pointing out the firm gets its letters from the qualifications of the majority of its staff. Really you'll need to ask them and see what they say. If their senior accountants had been struck off, I suspect news would have got back here?
In any event I would prefer competent day to day staff, regardless of qualification, over a unknown but qualified name on the letter head.