With a call-sign called Ooops, you're not.... George Osborne are you? Only kidding, welcome to the parallel universe!
At this point, probably not since you know how you feel when you keep getting the same 'bolierplate' response from Government. Anyways we're people and we're all different. My wife keeps telling me I'm 'different' but usually in a brain wiring way.
I'd be suprised by now if most MP's are not aware of this but we need to ensure they understand what is being asked for any why. I'm sure David Gauke wished he had gone down the Climate Change route in politics. When George Newborne arrives back in the UK, I wonder if he'll be after him with a mouthful of Tourettes!
Originally posted by Ooops
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At this point, probably not since you know how you feel when you keep getting the same 'bolierplate' response from Government. Anyways we're people and we're all different. My wife keeps telling me I'm 'different' but usually in a brain wiring way.
I'd be suprised by now if most MP's are not aware of this but we need to ensure they understand what is being asked for any why. I'm sure David Gauke wished he had gone down the Climate Change route in politics. When George Newborne arrives back in the UK, I wonder if he'll be after him with a mouthful of Tourettes!