I have some money sitting in my company account earning no interest, this is a combination of money im looking after for HMRC and money ive not drawn as dividends (to minimise tax liability / spread liability over high/low income financal years).
Would appreciate any advice or suggestions how I can make this money work for me, what do you do with excess money in your company account?
Is it possible to set up a high interest/regular saver/notice account in the company name? Any good accounts you can suggest?
Is it possible to invest the money in stocks and shares in the company name (assuming I have personal provisions to cover any losses)?
Any other suggestions/advice
Would appreciate any advice or suggestions how I can make this money work for me, what do you do with excess money in your company account?
Is it possible to set up a high interest/regular saver/notice account in the company name? Any good accounts you can suggest?
Is it possible to invest the money in stocks and shares in the company name (assuming I have personal provisions to cover any losses)?
Any other suggestions/advice