Originally posted by Fireship
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What was interesting though was that there were 3 judges presiding in the High Court, instead of just 1 in our case. Perhaps this was because it involved a criminal rather than civil matter.
High Court:
High Court ruling on sex offenders register | News | Garden Court North - Garden Court North Barrister Chambers
Court of Appeal:
Court of Appeal upholds sex offenders register ruling | News | Garden Court North - Garden Court North Barrister Chambers
One thing I will say is this.
Whilst we may have been sceptical of Parker's judgment in the HC, I don't think we can be as dismissive of a ruling from 3 senior Lord Justices in the CoA even if we don't like it.
Our best hope may well lie with the Supreme Court but the CoA will be a crucial barometer.
By the way, there is still no sign of an imminent judgment.