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BN66 - Round 2 (Court of Appeal)

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    Also folks remember if we lose the COA and MP throws in the towel there are other legals avenues open to us in pursuing MP for losses. For a start they would be doing a U-turn on their taking it to the HOL promise.

    If people are prepared to put money into a pot we could raise a substantial legal fund. Im not advocating this of course, as the fat lady hasnt sung, however if it comes to it then its everyone for themselves. MP have stood by their word for now so lets see the outcome of this battle.

    If we lose the COA and MP pull the plug then I for one think we should, as a group get together and debate our combined strategy...I for one am not about to hand over 6 figures without having exhausted all possibilities...


      Isn't it the case that everyone's SA's have been appealed by Montp? Even if we lose the CoA, those appeals are still pending. As someone pointed out, this case is against Mr Huitson only.

      Obviously, the chances of winning an appeal recede considerably if the CoA is lost and no appeal is lodged to go to the Supreme Court, but HMRC can't just issue demands for payment even if they wanted to.

      In the longer term, I guess it depends on what Monp decide to do. If they take the case to the Supreme Court and/or Europe, we go on to round three...


        Originally posted by TheBarCapBoyz View Post
        we go on to round three...

        round two has finished

        .. the dolly girls are walking round with the round 3 board

        but the ref/judges are totting up the points for round 2 ...


          and yes MP may no longer be into tax avoidance as they were but they still have a corporate reputation at stake, they are still wealth management and financial planning!!

          This is taken off their home page:

          From its headquarters in the Isle of Man The Montpelier Group is a world leader in the provision of composite financial services focusing on the two key demands of private clients namely independent investment and financial advice and tax planning.

          So who would entrust their wealth with a firm that leave you high and dry when things get tough, and whose financial instruments just dont work?? Thats why I am not convinced by some of the statements on this forum talking about pure bottom line, there is more at stake than that alone.


            Remember, there are other parties involved besides Montpelier.

            The PwC consortium (class action) is largely funded by a property developer (not Shiner) who put £60M through the scheme. Does anyone seriously believe that they will give up without a fight?

            I fully expect the legal action to continue, in one form or another, whatever happens.

            Oh and by the way, in case anyone forgot, we haven't actually had the judgment yet.

            Should we not at least wait to see what it says before writing it off?


              Originally posted by DonkeyRhubarb View Post
              Remember, there are other parties involved besides Montpelier.

              The PwC consortium (class action) is largely funded by a property developer (not Shiner) who put £60M through the scheme. Does anyone seriously believe that they will give up without a fight?

              I fully expect the legal action to continue, in one form or another, whatever happens.

              Oh and by the way, in case anyone forgot, we haven't actually had the judgment yet.

              Should we not at least wait to see what it says before writing it off?

              Yep, lets keep the faith and not lose our collective bottles. I don't want to give the sadistic drones in HMRC any cause for happiness. They will be loving this, sad to say.


                Originally posted by normalbloke View Post
                Yep, lets keep the faith and not lose our collective bottles. I don't want to give the sadistic drones in HMRC any cause for happiness. They will be loving this, sad to say.
                Well if I was an HMRC drone reading some of the negative comments on this forum, I'd be rubbing my hands with glee, because I'd be thinking how I could pick off each person one by one until the whole house of cards collapsed.

                We need to stay positive and stick together. Strength is in numbers and 3000 of us are a strong force to be reckoned with, but only if we present a united front.
                'Orwell's 1984 was supposed to be a warning, not an instruction manual'. -
                Nick Pickles, director of Big Brother Watch.


                  The raid in IoM and arrest has acheived exactly what HMRC wanted, MP moved out of avoidance. I would not be surprised if the case was dropped.

                  I think HMRC also choose the retrospective route with us as a warning to other avoidance schemes. I would still like to know why EBT's were treated differently to double taxation?

                  Its Friday, keep the faith and lets not let HMRC think we will roll over and pay until we have everything we can.


                    Originally posted by Buzby View Post
                    The raid in IoM and arrest has acheived exactly what HMRC wanted, MP moved out of avoidance. I would not be surprised if the case was dropped.

                    I think HMRC also choose the retrospective route with us as a warning to other avoidance schemes. I would still like to know why EBT's were treated differently to double taxation?

                    Its Friday, keep the faith and lets not let HMRC think we will roll over and pay until we have everything we can.
                    I have also said I have felt uneasy, but let's not forget that MP have a reputation that is probably worth more to them than the money. Given the business they are in, do they really want to be seen as being scared when HMRC or whatever equivalent they are up against come knowcking? They may be avoiding (no pun intended) tax avoidance schemes, but as we all know, thats a very broad area, and if they are in the taxation business at all, there will be strategies they recommend which will be leveraging taxation law, and often in ways that maybe weren't intended. In other words, they will have to defend their actions. No large company would touch them with a barge pole if they are seen to dump their clients when there's a fight. If we win, I think MP will fight on. If we get a split with positive comments, I suspect MP will fight on. If we get a hammering, well, that's the grey area, I think. But, MP have been true to their word so far.

                    I read the circular as being broadly positive, tbh, and who knows about PwC? It's a longshot, but our QCs appear to have done a good job, Singh appears not to have. We really have nothing else to go on, so I'm taking what comfort I can from what I know. The circular was always going to be cautious, but it wasn't doom and gloom either. We are in limbo, but not in hell.


                      Originally posted by SantaClaus View Post
                      Well if I was an HMRC drone reading some of the negative comments on this forum, I'd be rubbing my hands with glee, because I'd be thinking how I could pick off each person one by one until the whole house of cards collapsed.

                      We need to stay positive and stick together. Strength is in numbers and 3000 of us are a strong force to be reckoned with, but only if we present a united front.
                      Couldn't agree more. Was about to post a similar comment, then cam across yours.

                      We have right on our side, we just need to stay organised, positive and focussed.

