There seems recently to have been a huge increase in the number of umbrella companies using high percentage take home pay quotes in their advertising and marketing. So can you legally take home 80% or even 85% of your earnings through an umbrella company?
The answer is yes but, and it is quite a big but, only if you plough almost all of your earnings into a pension scheme or if your expenses equate to 50%, or more, of your earnings. To give you an idea, to net 85% of your earnings if your gross income is £1500 per week, your expenses would have to be £865.00 per week.
So, if an umbrella company quotes you a take home pay figure of over 70% ask them to recalculate using the expense figure that you provide rather than one that they assume and you will find that the % take home drastically reduces.
The only other way of offering a high take home pay is for companies to use an employee loan scheme or trust scheme both of which have been discussed at great length on this very site
The answer is yes but, and it is quite a big but, only if you plough almost all of your earnings into a pension scheme or if your expenses equate to 50%, or more, of your earnings. To give you an idea, to net 85% of your earnings if your gross income is £1500 per week, your expenses would have to be £865.00 per week.
So, if an umbrella company quotes you a take home pay figure of over 70% ask them to recalculate using the expense figure that you provide rather than one that they assume and you will find that the % take home drastically reduces.
The only other way of offering a high take home pay is for companies to use an employee loan scheme or trust scheme both of which have been discussed at great length on this very site