Originally posted by xantamisch
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Anyway, your total liability today is £130k.
If you take out a CTD today for £100k, then no further interest will be charged from this day onwards. So your total liability will be frozen at £130k.
The process for taking out a CTD is very simple, and is described in the HMRC link. Basically either
1) Send them a cheque with a covering letter
2) Transfer the money to their bank account, and then send them a covering letter
You can only make a deposit of upto £100k using method (1).
A few weeks later they will send you a tatty looking certificate.
Does that cover it?
PS. missed a few points
a) just like a savings account, you can withdraw all or part of the money at any time eg. if you needed the cash in an emergency
b) if we lose the appeal, then you just instruct them to use it to settle your liability
c) if we win, then you just cash in the CTD. It pays out a tiny bit of interest but in reality it's hardly worth having.
d) in theory, the investigations arm of HMRC has no access to CTD records, so having a CTD should not affect your bargaining position