Originally posted by Contreras
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The contract doesn't state anything about expenses. However, the schedule states:
‘The Consultancy is responsible for its own expenses incurred in the performance of this Agreement.’.
I queried this with the agency AND client and BOTH confirmed that:
'AGENCY X are unable to change the wording in the contract, you do however have the ability to claim expenses in system xxx and as long as these are approved in the system by your line manager AGENCY x will pay you this money and then claim funds back from the CLIENT.'
Since then, I have travelled and entered mileage into the system and had it approved by the 'manager'. The agency are now stating I need receipts and check with client. Client are now saying that having receipts falls in line with their company policy.. so I am confused - for example, if I give them a £100 receipt for petrol, that doesn't mean that was all business mileage, hence why I have always claimed HMRC rates. In addition, I haven't kept the petrol receipts.
I've emailed the CLIENT HR dept and now they are saying:
'Receipts need to be attached in system XXX in order for AGENCY to pay the expenses. We have advised AGENCY of this process as this falls in line with the group expense policy.'