Have been recently looking for some online file space to store stuff I can access from home, client, anywhere I need etc without having to use a memory stick. Was recommended BT Vault which is OK (and free) but the interface drives me up the wall.
What I really would like is a service where I can map my online space as a network drive and then just use it as I would any other disk space. Can anyone recommend any sites? I don't mind paying a small subscription if it's a good service but I don't need tons of space (>1Gb) so don't want to be shelling out too much.
Alternatively, would it be possible to use my home PC as the file server and then I map a network drive wherever I am to it? Would this be the same as setting up a home web server? I once did this before but didn't have much use for it..!
What I really would like is a service where I can map my online space as a network drive and then just use it as I would any other disk space. Can anyone recommend any sites? I don't mind paying a small subscription if it's a good service but I don't need tons of space (>1Gb) so don't want to be shelling out too much.
Alternatively, would it be possible to use my home PC as the file server and then I map a network drive wherever I am to it? Would this be the same as setting up a home web server? I once did this before but didn't have much use for it..!