A bit late today as I'm actually off the bench, if only briefly, helping out with a certain Internet forum. Still, here it is: another mélange of some of the many things that probably aren't in your mother's bookmarks.
Happy invoicing!
- The Bomb for Beginners - "Building a nuclear weapon has never been easier. NATO’s Michael Rühle provides step-by-step instructions for going nuclear, from discretely collecting material to minimizing the fallout when caught. These simple steps have worked for the likes of Israel, Pakistan, and North Korea, among others. The nuclear club is open to your country, too."
- Fast Food: Ads vs. Reality - What the ad looks like, and what you get. "Each item was purchased, taken home, and photographed immediately. Nothing was tampered with, run over by a car, or anything of the sort. It is an accurate representation in every case. Shiny, neon-orange, liquefied pump-cheese, and all."
- 72-Hour Party People - following a group of crystal meth heads through a manic three-day party. "The seven eager speed smokers who converge on Nick's pad during the two hours before sunset defy the myth that crystal meth is a white-trash drug. They have cool hair and stylish attire. They have college degrees. They have all their teeth."
- Art of the Steal: On the Trail of World’s Most Ingenious Thief - Long profile of ingenious master criminal Gerald Blanchard. "He also noted the armed guards stationed at every entrance and patrolling the halls... But the roof was unguarded, and it so happened that one of the skills Blanchard had picked up in his already long criminal career was skydiving. He had also recently befriended a German pilot who was game for a mercenary sortie and would help Blanchard procure a parachute."
- Cute Killers: 16 Unassuming-but-Lethal Poison Plants - watch out for the flowers 'cos I'm sure they're gonna get you...
- What makes IE so fast? - Brian Tiemann reckoned Microsoft were playing fast and loose with the TCP/IP spec to boost performance. "I have to admire their arrogance and their confidence. But it'll be some time before I can bring myself to admire their technical integrity."
- The Jobs Of Yesteryear: Obsolete Occupations - "As computers and automated systems increasingly take the jobs humans once held, entire professions are now extinct. Click through the gallery below to see examples of endangered professions, from milkman to telegrapher, and hear from people who once filled those oft-forgotten jobs."
- The world's only immortal animal - "The turritopsis nutricula species of jellyfish may be the only animal in the world to have truly discovered the fountain of youth."
- The Complete Guide to Ripping and Converting Flash Videos - "Whether you want to save and watch a Flash video offline, convert a Flash music video for your MP3 player, or do something else entirely, learning how to rip and convert Flash videos is a useful skill. Here's how it works."
- It is like I made it myself! - Whilst shopping in New York, Robert Hodgin saw a Paul Smith shirt with a design that looked familiar. Soon he realised that it was a slightly modified copy of one of his own works, apparently copied from the photo-sharing site flickr.
Happy invoicing!