Officials at the Government agency which oversaw this year's Sats fiasco have been awarded thousands of pounds in bonuses. Skip related content
Related photos / videos Bonuses for Sats fiasco officials National Assessment Agency (NAA) staff will receive the payouts, which are linked to performance, next month.

The National Assessment Agency (NAA), a division of the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA), was responsible for delivering this summer's tests and appointed private contractor ETS Europe to carry out the process.

Administrative problems meant that ETS failed to get the papers in English, maths and science marked in time.

The shambles saw more more than a million pupils' results delayed and thousands of scripts go missing or get sent to the wrong place.

Some 104 of 105 NAA staff are to receive the bonuses this year, the Times Educational Supplement (TES) reported. It said the one-off payment, which relates to the 2007-08 financial year range from £512.50 to £3,905 for a high-ranking member of staff.

The bit that makes me laugh is the paragraph above. It says 104 out of the 105 staff will be getting a bonus.

What about the poor sod who wont be getting a bonus..