A scouser is wandering around the jungle, lost, when he comes across a clearing full of fresh bones.
Oh oh he thinks, this is dodgy. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a large striped shape sneaking up on him, quick as a flash he picks up one of the bones and starts nibbling at it.

'mmm that was the tastiest tiger I ever ate' he said loudly.

The tiger gulped, turned tail and slinked away.

Up in the trees a monkey was watching and saw a great opportunity to get well in with the tiger so he swung after the tiger, caught up with him and explained that the scouser had conned him.

The tiger got very angry and headed back to teach the scouser a lesson with the smirking monkey following up in the branches.

The scouser sees the monkey then spots the tiger realises whats going on, quick as a flash he turns away looks at his watch and says loudly

'Wheres that ******* monkey got to, I sent him to get me another tiger over half a ******* hour ago'
