These four exceptional young people, when faced with a crisis, acted with
a courage and a presence far beyond their years. Yes, facing situations
that would have terrified most grown-ups, they put their own lives at
risk to save others.

1. It was on June 4th 1990 when Neil Stewart saw his 15 year old sister
Louise make herself a cup of tea and put three teaspoons of sugar in it.
He immediately snatched it from her and poured it down the kitchen sink.
He's modest about his heroic exploit but his mother Noreen, 43, deeply
admires his courage and acknowledges the vital part he played in saving
his sister from tooth decay. "We're so proud of him," she says. "Neil
and Louise have always been close but they're even closer now. Since
this incident they have developed a special bond."

2. Realising her sister was in danger, Kimmy Morris acted valiantly when
she told her there was only one sheet of lavatory paper left. "If Kimmy
hadn't acted as she did her sister, Angela, could have discovered the
fact too late and not been able to do anything about it. Thanks to
Kimmy's noble gesture, Angela was able to open another packet of toilet
tissue and have an enjoyable anxiety free poo," said her father Alex.

3. Tommy Page didn't think when he saw Donald Parry going into a record
shop to buy a Kylie Minogue album. "It's just instinct," he says in a
matter of fact way. "If people are in trouble, you help them." His
father, Gerald, said "He showed outstanding courage by rescuing Donald
in the manner he did. I admire him. He prevented a certain tragedy."

4. When eight year old Claire Rankin was out playing in the garden she
saw her friend Gavin Jackson pick up some dogs mess and put it in his
mouth. She immediately ran over to the little boy and pulled the
offending substance from his hands. Afterwards, Claire's mother said
she was surprised by her daughter's quick thinking which averted tragedy.
"We've always brought Claire up believing eating dogs mess is bad for
you," she says.