Originally posted by Retrospective
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We have a self assessment system. If you have fully reported all of your income and sources of income and HMRC still fails to open an enquiry, then you have protection under the law.
That protection is undermined severely by the loan charge of course, but the defence there is that it is a new charge on a new source.
If you did declare the scheme on the tax return - fully - you are very unusual. Most did not. Mainly because the promoter told them that they did not have to (wrong advice in most cases).
Also HMRC did not "allow" this to occur. HMRC has no power to approve a business nor to disapprove it and close it. If the business is engaged in evading tax, then they can prosecute for that, but no business ever has to have HMRC approval to be set up or operate.
Tempting as it is to blame other parties for the mess, (and HMRC for sure has a lot to answer for), at the end of the day it's caveat emptor and accepting that you may have been taken in, fooled, duped, scammed or whatever word you choose is the first step to understanding the issues and dealing with them.
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