Originally posted by northernrampage
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However I am well aware of the hetrophobia in other areas as well. I have quite an indepth knowledge of some of the gay cities and areas in the UK. I also know a lot of things you wont see publicised in the press.
Before I lived in areas of varying sexuality, I even used to work for gay people and had nothing to base an opinion on, so therefore, no issues at the time. Then living in certain places, I saw straight people sworn at and punched by gay people for socialising with other gays in mixed areas. Straight people routinely get beaten up by gangs of gay thugs if they take a wrong turn and walk in to gay areas. In gay/mixed clubs, a lot of DJ's often say phrases such as "I saw this d*ck outside, asked if he was gay, then when he said no sparked him", not just the one time, but hateful comments like this were commonplace.
I used to have gay friends in one place before I moved and we all knew of the problems in the area. There were certain places straight people couldnt venture and come out OK on the other side. Then there were certain areas gays couldnt have fun in, they would be safe enough most of the time, but still, they could relax without remarks, sticks and stones though, lucky them. In other straight places I have lived although gay people kissing in public was frowned on, for the most part, it was safe. However in gay areas, the other half and I couldnt even stand beside each other without having people come other and threaten "to beat us gay", instead we had to stand apart on either side of the gay group of friends and make sure we didnt look at each other, god knows how things would have kicked off if we did something like hold hands.
The vileness and hatred I have heard spewed from gay people is shocking and you wouldnt think they could be so violent and hate filled. Then problems are emphasised by if you're gay or of foreign ethnicity, you are entitled to preferential treatment, or companies/government have to tiptoe around you very carefully and in trying not to violate their civil liberties, those without claim to any prejudical group get overlooked. Unfortunately, the things I have experienced from living throughout the UK have soured some aspects somewhat. Not all gays are hetrophobic, but a large majority are which is sad.
As I have said before, in another thread, you do not solve prejudice by shifting it on to another group. It saddens me gay people over the past century, fought for acceptance, but turned out to be far more hate filled than straight people. As far Im concerned, they can screw what they like, I may not think it's natural, but then a lot isnt in society. I have no qualms with their sexuality but I dont want it shoved in my face. I dont walk in to the office and tell everyone how I banged the other half last night, so neither should gays.
Originally posted by northernrampage
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NB: When I said "facts", I was mainly going back to the maggie argument. It's obvious that maggie didnt cause the problems in the UK, she was unfortunate just like the co-alition to take the helm of a sinking ship. Unlike the co-alition though, she had balls and made the tough choices. She gave birth to free enterprise and the private sector.
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