All these threads with gernan being spoken in light of yesterday's result, reminds me of an interview I went for at a well known ISP in Hertfordshire.

After doing two successfull interviews they called me back in again and as that was going well they tried to trip me up. On my CV I inidicate that I have two European languages so they promptly told me I would now be interviewed by 2 people in each language. In fairness, it did say on the job description that European languages were a bonus. Imagine their faces when I actually pulled it off.

Admitedly my German was rusty since I havent used it much since I learnt it at O level. It didn't seem to matter and the guy that I was talking to commented that all was well (in German). Swedish on the other hand was a blast. Having lived there for 4 years fairly recently I chattered away, managed a few funny storied and ended up asking the Swedish guy all about his home town and what he missed most!!

They sadly had the last laugh since I didnt get the gig!! I was apparently over qualified for the role. It did take the 3 interviews to work that out though.......!!