Originally posted by OwlHoot
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During their early life (first few weeks) Bees have "jobs" to do in the hive (feeding brood, cleaning etc) and have:
a) No need to fly
b) No need to sting
So in fact they can do neither.....
As they get older their "jobs" change.... They go on to be Guards - where they need to fly and sting... so they develop both....
If you remove all the flying Bees.... the thousands of Hive Bees left actually can't sting...
So putting your hand in/have them crawling over your face in a beard isn't dangerous at all.....
That said... calm, slow and careful can work wonders... Some Beeks don't use any PPE (Personal Protection) at all.... some only use a veil... some pretty well wear armour - including thick leather gauntlets.....
The biggest cause of argument among Beeks is about Gloves....
actually thats not strictly true.... an Old Beek saying is "If you have 2 Beeks you will have at least 3 opinions on any subject!"
Bit like CUK
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