My that's an interesting take on agencies...

Vital Agency or any Employment agency in the UK.
Rat Trap House
tuliphouse street
Kirby industrial estate
(For other agencies see William Wilberforce abolition of slavery, Corn laws, 1800’s, sharpe and all that tulipe.)

not to be confused with business agenies who are just as tulip but don’t **** your wages up or hold back wages for the interest scam. They just **** other companies(the customer) over and provide useless people with crap jobs in return for a quick buck.

Management Rating
total twats with flash cars and bad hair cuts.

Worker Rating
Lowlife pond scum from Outer Mongolia mixed with the bell end tribe. Qualifications dope dealing and being orrible

Graft Rating
Physical. Who the ****s gonna work for them long term. Short-term head ****, growth of second arsehole and lowering of self-esteem to nil.

Job Satisfaction
it’s not a job so it does count. Possibly getting sacked could be counted as satisfying.

11k if you’re lucky enough to get paid. Bachs systems don’t seem to work for agenies especially at holiday times. They catch a virus called int.scam.bastardobell-end-file only found on agency networks and impossible to kill.

Rating 10 1/2 total tulip