Originally posted by Cyberman
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Interview 1: My first interview for 9 years - probably screwed it up somehow.
2. Offered me a 2nd interview, then after 3 weeks said they had decided to recruit internally.
3. Said they would consider me for future opportunities but not this one.
4. Fell down on Agile experience.
5. Drove 160 miles each way for a 20 minute interview by consultant - suspect he had his own candidate in mind.
6. Were not recruiting but agreed to consider me for future opportunities.
7. Said I was a great candidate but they took on an ex employee instead.
8. Said I wasn't experienced enough in their sector (which we knew at the start anyway)
9. Waiting to hear, suspect they have offered it to another candidate and are waiting to see if he/she accepts before giving me the bad news.
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