Originally posted by WetBehindTheEars
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I deferred my first summons and it turned out that I was on the bench for that fortnight. I then ended up doing my jury service while I was in a contract. d'oh.
The distance between the court and your client makes a difference on this, but you would not necessarily be at the court all day, every day, for the period of your service and you would almost certainly have time to call in at the client for part of the day if you are really that critical to the project.
One bloke on the juror panel while I was there was in the middle of a pub/restaurant refit which he couldn't abandon for two weeks because the business was closed while he was doing it.
He would go in to work for a few hours at stupid o'clock, do a couple of hours, then go to the court, wait until lunchtime to find out that he wasn't needed that day, then go back to work. To add insult to injury, he didn't get put on a case the whole time he was there.
But I agree with what the others have said. It is your civic duty so shut up and do it and be thankful that you don't live in a society where the authorities can lock you up without a trial.
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