Originally posted by TykeMerc
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I've heard Tethys is worthwhile but myself and Hari were dissapointed last year during our visit to Titan - there was an irritiating space probe Huygens -I think it was called - that spoiled things a tad with its constant probing - Hari wanted to destroy the poor thing - she does have such a temper at times , but I think she maybe just had one too many vodkas.
In the end , thank goodness the probe jouneyed off to Saturn - so all ended well - we were even lucky with the weather avoiding some of seasonal severe dust storms.
On the birghter side we're hoping to visit Trafalmadore next year - Kari's been showing me the brochures - looks great.
You can see one of our holiday snaps on the left.
Can't wait - a splendid time is guaranteed for all .
Well thats what it said in the brochure.
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