With much regret, and quite some curiousity, I am going for a permie interview tomorrow!

I'm finding the whole idea of it a bit weird, to be honest. Its quite a good job and a fair wage, but ......

part of me wants to run screaming into the night at the thought of being in permieland.

I've been on the bench for a few months, and although I have the rainy day fund, there has been all this news about how we're going to go into the worst recession since the fall of Rome and all that.

Amusingly, I paid a fair bit of attention to the biscuit question posted on the other thread, and I wonder if I'm going to get a brainless personality question as well.

If I get offered it, then I will take it, as I suspect right now that any hole's a goal

On the other hand if I'm wrong I can always leg it out back to con club in 18 months.

I shall report back.....