Mother defends ebay photos

A mum who sold photographs of her bathtime children on eBay insisted: "I didn't think I was doing anything wrong."

Emotional mother of four Sara Fox was paid just £5.50 in a bid to raise cash for a family holiday in the United States before the pictures were withdrawn from auction after a barrage of internet complaints.

At her home in Ballymena, Co Antrim, she said: "With hindsight, I suppose it was ignorance on my part. But they were put there for a genuine reason and I never imagined it would have caused such a fuss."

One of the photographs showed her 11-month old daughter naked in the bath with her young brother and sister.

With her husband due to lose his job, the auction was an attempt to fund a holiday back to her home state of Wisconsin where a fourth child, her seven-year-old daughter, lives.

Mrs Fox, 24, said: "Mothers allow their babies to model nappies, bathtime products and baby foods where there is more showing, and nobody takes offence with that.

"I respect people's rights to do what they want, but I maintain I wasn't doing wrong showing anything of my children which you can't see in a photograph on a child's bottle, a packet of nappies or whatever.

"I just thought it was worth a try. It was like desperation and I don't know how I'm going to tell my daughter. I will try not to until I'm absolutely positive. It's hard enough me being here without her. It's very difficult.

"I did this for a much deeper reason that most people think. When I put up the photograph of the three of them in the bathtub, it was the only recent one I had of them together. Maybe I was trying to illustrate the difference between, well there is the three of them who have each other... while my daughter in America is basically by herself."

Mrs Fox said it never occurred to her that paedophiles might access the site. "Maybe that's my shortfall, maybe that's my ignorance. Nothing clicked in me. A kid in a bathtub is a kid in a bathtub. You see them on TV and that's okay. What I was doing was personal, but I did take the pictures off the sale," she added.
She should consider herself lucky that she hasn't been stoned to death by Blair's Glorious Army of Light.