Start smoking the same stuff as BGG...
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Ok..time to fess up.
I have tried, a few times to like Terry Pratchett's books. I've tried to read Colour of Magic several times. And failed.
I know, I know, I'm a geek, a roleplaying geek at that, and by virtue, I should be a Discworld fan. But his writing doesn't do it for me.
Don't get me wrong..I love fantasy novels (when I have time to read them), but the only comedy fantasy I can read and enjoy is Tom Holt (or for non-fanstasy fiction : Tom Sharpe)
There is a considerable difference of style between the two authors, as one might expect, and I find Holt's prose, plot and people to be more engaging, than the constant suspension of disbelief required by Pratchett.
Eg, in a Holt Murder Mystery, you are presented with a cast of suspects, including Thor the God of Thunder (now wheelchair bound and grumpy because of Health and Safety regulations), Joan of Ark (Noah's wife), Dr Crippens (Acid Salesman and DJ), and Faust II (Faust's Son who works in insurance). With that entertaining cast, you can make assumptions and at least try and spot a suspect.
In a Pratchett novel, the cast is a Walking Chest with Legs, A Talking Doorknob, A piece of Toast with a burnt image of Jesus on it, and an aardvark called Ralph. And at the end, you learn that Monty the Moleskin Assassin did it.
I consider Holt to be far more adept at his research and plot construction, than Pratchett. But that's personal opinion.
A talking doornob does not fire my imagination the same way as imagining "what if Thor was reduced to a wheelchair and was a grumpy old so and so..what would he be like ?"
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