Originally posted by Peoplesoft bloke
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Previously on "To be Polish"
I don't suppose the programme actually bothered to quote any statistics on unemployment in the area?
The claimant count unemployment rate for March 2005 in Cambridgeshire and Peterborough was 1.6%.
Peterborough itself has an unemployment rate of 2.6%.
Even allowing for those unemployed and claiming sickness benefits the unemployment rate is tiny.
The vast majority of British citizens in and around Peterborough are in fact in work. On the basis of actual statistics the characterisation of the English as lazy and workshy would seem to me to be wholly inaccurate.
I would, of course, shoot the unemployed.
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Originally posted by DodgyAgent View PostIf you conducted a poll not just on welfare recipients themselves (you are probably right in that they are unlikely to vote at all) but more importantly on the tens of thousands who work for the state in the welfare business you will find that these public sector workers are the bedrock of support for NL.
Spin some grey into that.
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Originally posted by Bumfluff View PostI met a Polish guy on the bus last week
What is a blue-chip business intelligence contractor doing on a bus?
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Originally posted by The Lone Gunman View PostThe chav refusing to pick squash may have a valid point. I am sure he was just a lazy chav and should have his benefits removed, but....
Seasonal work is no good to the unemployed.
They know that when the season is over they will be unemployed again and will then have to wait the statutory period before their full benefits are reinstated. They will have effectively lost money by working.
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Originally posted by Bagpuss View PostIf that were true, are you saying they are floating voters? There was a massive increase in the welfare state under Thatcher and Major, were these voters voting conservative then and Labout now? Of course not, the underclass doesn't vote. Some of you guys can only operate in black and white, the real world is a little more complicated than that.
Spin some grey into that.
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Originally posted by Board Game Geek View Post
He came home, spent a week dossing, and upon our insistence, went back to try and face the music like a man. After a week of hanging around, the Guards decided that as a trainee, he was allowed some leeway, and let him back in. 10 mins later, this new sergeant starts bullying him..so he goes AWOL again and has left.
So...back to £6.50 an hour in Tescos for this young man, who had a brilliant opportunity and threw it away (some of his own doing, admittedly)
When you join the forces your life belongs to them. Period. No room for emotion.
However, it does seem like the Sergeant was a bit of a knob.
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Originally posted by Board Game Geek View PostHow very true.
A family member who was in training for the Welsh Guards told me that they had extra-curricular maths and english lessons for some of the lads, to help them with their communication skills. They also had 3 chaps from Somali who only knew the following words, spoken with an inane grin, "Yes, sergeant !".
Grenade practice was a barrel of laughs apparently.
Serg : Throw the grenade now !
Pte : Yes Sergeant !
<stands there holding the grenade with the pin out before the Sergeant grabs it and chucks it over the wall>
Oh what fun eh ?
And btw, the family member left. He went Awol. They were promised leave on valentines day. Then it was cancelled. Unfortunately, the family member's father died 3 years previously and was buried on V day, and the family member had arranged to go visit mum and spend time with her and also his civvy girfriend.
When it was cancelled by a different Sergeant, he went ballistic and walked off camp.
He came home, spent a week dossing, and upon our insistence, went back to try and face the music like a man. After a week of hanging around, the Guards decided that as a trainee, he was allowed some leeway, and let him back in. 10 mins later, this new sergeant starts bullying him..so he goes AWOL again and has left.
Shame, the Army would have been a good career for him. He is 21, dyslexic, and a typical "kevin". However, he loves the Army, is very fit, and wanted to make his late dad proud. What he didn't expect was the unnecessary bullying. Oh and his whiny girlfriend who didn't like him being in the Army in the 1st place. Stupid moo. The rest of the family hate her guts now. She is a whiny, me me me, oh look a nice handbag, "meejah" student. That says enough I hope.
So...back to £6.50 an hour in Tescos for this young man, who had a brilliant opportunity and threw it away (some of his own doing, admittedly)
Perhaps milan can get him a position changing tapes somewhere?
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Now we're doomed http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/7282923.stm
If they leave who will pick our butternut squash?
No one, we'll import from Poland! Food prices will go up, green house gases up, and the chavs are happy...
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The Army is tolerant to a fair share of thick-as-a-brick types, but even they are having trouble finding youngsters who can read/write/think to an acceptable level.
A family member who was in training for the Welsh Guards told me that they had extra-curricular maths and english lessons for some of the lads, to help them with their communication skills. They also had 3 chaps from Somali who only knew the following words, spoken with an inane grin, "Yes, sergeant !".
Grenade practice was a barrel of laughs apparently.
Serg : Throw the grenade now !
Pte : Yes Sergeant !
<stands there holding the grenade with the pin out before the Sergeant grabs it and chucks it over the wall>
Oh what fun eh ?
And btw, the family member left. He went Awol. They were promised leave on valentines day. Then it was cancelled. Unfortunately, the family member's father died 3 years previously and was buried on V day, and the family member had arranged to go visit mum and spend time with her and also his civvy girfriend.
When it was cancelled by a different Sergeant, he went ballistic and walked off camp.
He came home, spent a week dossing, and upon our insistence, went back to try and face the music like a man. After a week of hanging around, the Guards decided that as a trainee, he was allowed some leeway, and let him back in. 10 mins later, this new sergeant starts bullying him..so he goes AWOL again and has left.
Shame, the Army would have been a good career for him. He is 21, dyslexic, and a typical "kevin". However, he loves the Army, is very fit, and wanted to make his late dad proud. What he didn't expect was the unnecessary bullying. Oh and his whiny girlfriend who didn't like him being in the Army in the 1st place. Stupid moo. The rest of the family hate her guts now. She is a whiny, me me me, oh look a nice handbag, "meejah" student. That says enough I hope.
So...back to £6.50 an hour in Tescos for this young man, who had a brilliant opportunity and threw it away (some of his own doing, admittedly)Last edited by Board Game Geek; 13 March 2008, 01:27.
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Originally posted by The Lone Gunman View PostThe Poles are as good as our chavs at claiming benefit. A friend of mine just cashed a benefits cheque for a Pole for 6 grands worth of child benefits even though his kids live in Poland.
The chav refusing to pick squash may have a valid point. I am sure he was just a lazy chav and should have his benefits removed, but....
Seasonal work is no good to the unemployed.
They know that when the season is over they will be unemployed again and will then have to wait the statutory period before their full benefits are reinstated. They will have effectively lost money by working.
Getting on your bike may be a good answer, but can the big cities stand the influx of people looking for work?
Many of the unemployed could not earn enough to rent never mind own a place in London.
The work is out there if they look... there's always some work to be done and to be paid for.
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The Poles are as good as our chavs at claiming benefit. A friend of mine just cashed a benefits cheque for a Pole for 6 grands worth of child benefits even though his kids live in Poland.
The chav refusing to pick squash may have a valid point. I am sure he was just a lazy chav and should have his benefits removed, but....
Seasonal work is no good to the unemployed.
They know that when the season is over they will be unemployed again and will then have to wait the statutory period before their full benefits are reinstated. They will have effectively lost money by working.
Getting on your bike may be a good answer, but can the big cities stand the influx of people looking for work?
Many of the unemployed could not earn enough to rent never mind own a place in London.
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Originally posted by TazMaN View PostThe Benefit State created by Labour is a deliberate action so that Labour has a large and willing population base who will vote for them every time.
Labour do not care about the country. They care only about staying in power and creating a feeding frenzy for themselves. By creating a base of dependents they have effectively given themselves a serious headstart in each election.
If that were true, are you saying they are floating voters? There was a massive increase in the welfare state under Thatcher and Major, were these voters voting conservative then and Labout now? Of course not, the underclass doesn't vote. Some of you guys can only operate in black and white, the real world is a little more complicated than that.
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