He endorsed Brown first before he went - no doubt to satisfy his party. They wouldn't want the anti-war McDonnell!

Then, job done, he'll probably tell Sarkozy that George is waiting with open arms!

Incidentally, McDonnell is someone who is capable of words like this:

“It’s about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. It was the bombs and bullets and sacrifice made by the likes of Bobby Sands that brought Britain to the negotiating table. The peace we have now is due to the action of the IRA”

-May 2003

I'd agree about Bobby Sands. He explains the above comment in this article:


Amazing that John is standing at all, and I'm sure that Brown will do all he can to undermine his campaign and his battle with Meacher, who blotted his own copybook by saying the war on terrorism was "bogus".

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