Originally posted by Rantor
As far as my argument with regards to deporting the great unwashed is concerned that is more a joke than anything else. There is a serious side to it though which is that we need to help these people out of welfare dependency not by giving them more handouts but by making them work and giving them training using a carrot and stick approach.
To begin with everyone must work (with the exception of the terminally sick) and by work I include childcare as work. If someone works no matter what that work is the feeling of confidence and achievement that it gives an indidividual is the basis from which a human being can move on. They cannot go anywhere from being on welfare (or any type of handout for that matter) handouts.
I have never understood why the first cure for anything wrong with someone is to give them a sick note (unless for a couple of days to get over flu) and say stop working. If someone bu***** their back from lifting then retrain them to work in a call centre or something do not stop them working.
The problem with a great number of worthy initiatives (such as welfare) is that they have a habit of turning into industries of their own, with their own vested interests and power going to people who run them (golf club committees are another example of how power corrupts something that sets out with good intentions only to turn into a power base for individuals).
I am sure we have seen examples of such empire building within companies that we have worked for. Where a small team is set up to deal with a certain problem (maybe for a bit of desktop support for example) and then turns into a behemoth that is suddenly challenging to deliver all the IT.
I understand that maybe cities like Glasgow and perhaps Belfast have entrenched insoluble problems, but the least that we can do is to give the next generation a chance by putting them through the very best education system (aka Fettes, Gordonstoun), rather than some poorly run state school with no sporting facilities. That way then at least there is a chance that future generations will aspire to more than fighting, crime and drugs, and then maybe show the Poles (who have hardly come from a priviliged life themselves... they just have little welfare- there is a lesson there) a thing or two about work ethic, customer service and entrepreneurship.
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