Originally posted by wendigo100
1. They advertised a contract position - not a temporary employee role;
2. They never informed me that they would be acting as agents until long after they should have;
3. I can afford not to;
The "agency" don't know anything of my concerns, as I haven't spoken to them about it. Once an agreement is met with the other company, I think I will ask them if it is possible to extricate themselves from the agency agreement and contract directly, perhaps meeting in the middle. The agency would be paid for doing nothing more than sending out invoices which I can send myself...
I just feel that what they do is completely pointless, not to mention a waste of everyone's time and money. I am particularly annoyed at the subterfuge which has been the main feature of my dealings with them. Never once have they actually described themselves as an agency or recruitment consultancy, as far as I am concerned, they simply advertised a contract for a fee.
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