Originally posted by Magnus
I found his arguments reminiscent of something I saw about a decade ago.
I was staying at a mates house after a night out. I was up first so I was flicking though the TV channels to find something to watch. There was nothing to watch and I ended up on "The God Channel" (there really was nothing to watch!) and I ended up listening to this bloke talking about the loss of freedom due to the imposition of monitorist economic policy in the USA under Reagan and the UK under Thatcher. He went on to explain that these ideas had been tried first in a small country - New Zealand (he was chronologically wrong on that).
He finished up by claiming that the force behind these schemes turning up across the whole world regardless of country was the hand of the Masons. And that the chief Mason is Satan.
I will look forward to watching on Sunday to find out where Adam goes with this.
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