This is funny as names in the UK have gone full circle do 90+ year olds and babies/toddlers have the same names. Also similar in Germany apparently...

German Covid vaccine officials play name game to comply with data privacy laws | World news | The Guardian

German toddlers called Fritz or Adele could be invited for a Covid-19 vaccination while octogenarian Peters and Brigittes will not, as an overzealous interpretation of data privacy laws in one state has forced officials to guess people’s ages from their first names.

Authorities in the northern German state of Lower Saxony claim legal hurdles blocked them from accessing official records when trying to send a written invitation for a vaccination appointment to all citizens aged over 80.

The state decided instead to use post office records, which it said met data protection requirements. But since the Deutsche Post database only partially includes dates of birth, officials have used people’s first names to estimate their ages and “increase the chances of reaching the right recipients”, a spokesperson told the newspaper Bild.

“Therefore not all people in Lower Saxony who are older than 80 will receive a letter,” the health ministry of Lower Saxony conceded in a statement on its website.

While names such as Hans, Franz and Agnes are associated with Germany’s pre-war generation, many old-fashioned names have been revived and are also common among pre-teens.