"One America News network and the Kremlin's Sputnik outlet like to spread fake news relating to Syria. At times they do so using the same Russian government front. This effort serves the Kremlin's interests.

And that's why One America News network will fail to get the Daily Beast retract a story on OAN's sometime-synergy with the Kremlin. OAN's lawyers are making the same demand of MSNBC, which referenced the Daily Beast's reporting on a recent episode of Rachel Maddow's show.

More on the Syria angle in a moment. But first, the legal side of things. To start, let me suggest that the Daily Beast frame OAN's notice before action letter. Because OAN has about as much chance of succeeding in this effort as matter has to escape the event horizon of a black hole. Assessed against reality, OAN's claim isn't just weak, it's utterly self-destructive.

The story begins with a July 22 Daily Beast report by Kevin Poulsen. In that report, Poulsen outlines the links between an OAN staffer Kristian Rouz and the Kremlin's Sputnik news network. Poulsen points out that Rouz has been simultaneously working for both OAN and Sputnik, and that Sputnik is a Russian government front organization designed to influence westerners towards the Kremlin's policy positions. Far more often than not, that means influencing westerners against U.S. interests."

Sad at being called out for Russian propaganda, One America News threatens to sue the Daily Beast

Mor Ons, what do you think - is it freedom of speech to push Russian propaganda, or just a job that some scumbags are willing to do?