"Gidiot’s “steady drip” of new taxes on business will harm investment and damage Britain’s competitiveness, the head of a top UK business group will warn this week.

John Longworth, director general of the British Chambers of Commerce, will say the Chancellor’s repeated raids undermine the Government’s message that Britain is “open for business”.

Speaking at the BCC’s annual conference in London, Mr Longworth will call for policymakers to focus on policies that lift productivity and improve Britain’s trade potential instead of increasing the burden on businesses and stifling their growth ambitions.

“Every new tax, charge or regulation has a subsequent impact on business investment,” he will say. Mr Osborne has imposed a new wave of costs on businesses in"

Source: George Osborne under fire over 'steady drip' of business taxes

Osborne has allegedly replied, quote: "Hey, relax fella, you need a rest, guy."