What do people normally do when the paperwok gets messed up?

I was originally on agencies payment schedule, then they switched me to the client's outsourced recruiting/payroll provider's schedule.
Last month i got a remittance advice (and was eventually paid) for 2 days more than I invoiced for, and the period end-date was back on the agencies schedule.

The pimp looked into it and just said that they pay whatever the client says I've worked, regardless of what I invoice, and to carry on with the previous recruiting/payroll provider's schedule.

So assuming that I really should still be on that payment schedule (i suspect that's incorrect, but whatever...), that means that i now have an incorrect invoice & remittance advice, and will do so again next month.

I'd like the paperwork to all be in order as it's already a pain in the arse at the best of times. Should I retrospectively amend my invoices to match? Or get them to fix their remittance advice which will then mean that they are 2 days in credit until next month (which I prefer the sound of)?

This stuff pisses me off. How hard is it to cross reference an invoice with the timesheet amounts, and drop me an email if it's my fault when they don't match up? (which it isn't)