My contract with my current client is ending in a couple of months. I'm deciding not to continue because its just too damn frustrating and boring.

But I have been asked to put together a proposal to provide basic support at a fixed cost (incident or monthly)
As well as ah-hoc support for enhancements and such. I imagine this would not last long. perhaps six months - year until they replace it. Something the MIS team should have done two years ago....but then they are all excel dimwits.

BTW the system is written in Oracle with some parts in Access and Excel.

I was thinking about a monthly charge equivalent to two days rate with adhoc support being about 50% above my day rate for each day I'm on site. Then enhancements would be a fixed-price based on the number of days I estimate it would take.

Any ideas. I know this could affect any contract I get in the future...but I don't want to get on the bad side of good customer. It could get me into better work with other teams in the same company...and boy do they need help!