"Anger mounting after ministers appear unable to say when stocks will move smoothly again

Boris Johnson was on Thursday accused of “betraying” the UK fishing industry, after the “sea of opportunity” promised by ministers following Brexit turned into massive disruption to the sector.

The prime minister has suggested the industry could be compensated for losses caused by huge bureaucratic delays facing seafood exporters since the end of the Brexit transition period on December 31.

But George Eustice, cabinet minister for fishing, was unable to give details of any compensation scheme in the House of Commons on Thursday and claimed the disruption only amounted to “teething problems”.

Anger among Scottish fishing communities intensified when Scottish minister David Duguid, asked by the BBC when seafood exports would run smoothly again, replied: “How long is a piece of string?”"

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Cabinet Minister for Fishing

FFS, is there a portfolio for the Chicken Minister or Minister for Bulls?