Prime Minister Theresa May has rejected calls to pursue a ‘Norway plus’ style Brexit agreement in favour of a ‘Narnia plus’ arrangement.
The apparent shift from her previous deal to this new proposal is designed to appeal to Brexit supporters such as Boris Johnson and David Davis who already live in a fantasy land, and have consistently demanded a fantasy Brexit.
The ‘Narnia plus’ agreement would see all immigration take place through a wardrobe in Professor Kirke’s attic and have extensive trade deals brokered by Mr Tumnus the faun.
Whilst there may be some requirement for Britain to side with the evil White Witch who keeps Narnia in a constant state of fear and oppression, many Brexiters see her as the preferable trading partner compared to Donald Tusk.
It had been thought that Mrs May might have favoured a ‘Middle Earth plus’ agreement which would have seen Liam Fox deliver a magic ring to a volcano with only the gollum Chris Grayling for company in order to secure a trade deal.
However, she was heard muttering ‘Grayling would only f**k that up too’ and so went with ‘Narnia plus’ instead.
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