Theresa May invokes Jeremy Corbyn's support as she pledges to 'battle for Britain' in Brussels

Theresa May has invoked the support of Jeremy Corbyn to insist the EU must offer concessions on her Brexit deal, as she pledges to "battle for Britain" when she travels to Brussels to re-open negotiations.

Writing in The Telegraph, Mrs May states that although the Labour leader refused to support her in the Commons last week, he also believes that the controversial Irish backstop "needs to be addressed with Brussels".

Mrs May suggests that she will seek either an "alternative" to the backstop, or a time limit or unilateral exit mechanism to prevent the UK from being trapped in EU's structures indefinitely - both of which have already been publicly rejected by Brussels.

But pledging that she...

Theresa May invokes Jeremy Corbyn's support as she pledges to 'battle for Britain' in Brussels

May is going to spit fire all over EUSSR...