Hi there,

I’ve looked on this site and it is a very helpful forum where I have already obtained quite a lot of information.

I have been offered a 3 year contracting opportunity to work for an IT company in Germany which I shall be paid 450 euros per day.

Someone suggested that I simply use a company called www.consortconsultancy.com which shall arrange my independent contract status etc and they charge a fee of £24 per invoice however not sure if this is worth it?

Having looked on this site and done some further research I believe that to maybe get a Freiberufler status I could benefit more.

I am very new to contracting and to be honest the stuff I have read on this site is already giving me a headache so would appreciate some of your opinions and advice on what to do 

As there are quite a lot of contractors on this site I was hoping someone could shed some light on the system they currently have running and how they are operating as a contractor in Germany.

Also if you suggest the "Freiberufler" option whether you would know of anyone or recommend anyone I could use, contact who can advise?

Appreciate your help on this guys and girls :-D
