
Was working abroad contracting via a foreign agency and advised wished to move back to the UK, Client advised happy for me to work from London instead.

They & I would prefer to work via a UK agency but the foreign agency wish to be involved (ie keep that easy fee 20% rolling in). I have no issues but having proved themselves to be financially incompetent & reckless, want to cover myself. Latest issue being "just invoice us" and not bothering to investigate VAT implications.

Clauses I'm proposing- is wording OK?

18) The agency agree to pay [My company] the agreed daily rate converted into GBP, calculated at the Credit Suisse published exchange rate at the start date of the contract or Credit Suisse published exchange rate as of the day of payment whichever is the higher.

19) The Agency accept full and complete direct & indirect financial liabilty for any costs which may arise due to the international nature of this relationship including but not limited to VAT and Taxes allocatable to itself or the end Client. The Agency agrees to engage a UK based fully qualified Accountant and Tax specialist to formally assess the contract and working conditions to [company name]'s satisfaction and provide [My Company] with the full and complete information it recieves.

20) The Agency agrees to reimburse all costs to [My company] which would not arise in a relationship between a UK agency and a UK Contracting Ltd Company.