New to this forum and hoping someone may be able to help me in my quest for info. I am a moderator for a UK adult chat/text company and I have a self-employed Independent Contractor agreement with them.I get paid a fixed weekly amount of money for a set number of hours,working from my own home and monitoring their operators. Now I have 2 main questions really:
1) I have never had a pay statement from them,they just pay weekly direct into my bank account. Are they legally obliged to give me a payslip even though Im 'self employed'?
2) I have always paid my own taxes and N.I. as Im self employed but really Im treated as an employee. They call the shots and are 100% responsible for what happens in the Company. Therefore I dont get any employee perks such as holidays and sickness pay. If they went bust, or decided to get rid of me on the spot, would I have any rights?
Thanks for reading