Hello fellow contractors
I am new to this forum, although have been reading for quite a while.
I am at the moment thinking of closing down a company, will obviously try to use the tax advisor as well, but wanted to get my head around the topic myself beforehand

I was contracting in IT using my UK company for some time and accumulated profits. I have however moved abroad in Dec last year, was thinking to move back, but turned out that I will not anytime soon. I am therefore not using the LTD company and I am treaty non-UK resident.

Still wondering if I would be eligible to pay Capital Gain Tax in the UK which would be 10% with Entrepreneur relief.
In a country where I live it is 19% flat on CGT and dividends.

I found this article which made me think that maybe paying in the UK is possible
“Non residents with a UK branch or agency: disposals”

Do any of you have experience with situation like this? What do you think?

Thank you