2-Year Fixed at 2.99% (90% LTV)

This is great news to all contractors looking to take their first step on the property ladder. You have to be a first time buyer to qualify. This means that one applicant must not have previously bought or owned a property (including inherited/bought for cash).

This rate is only available through a limited number of brokers and not available through the branches. Currently the branches are charging over 4%, so the discount through certain mortgage brokers is huge.

Remember, Halifax is a great choice for contractors. Affordability is based on gross contract earnings and not take-home pay or accounts! This is a huge relief to contractors utilising a limited company who have kept their take home drawings (salary & dividends) to a minimum to save on personal tax.

If you’re already dealing with a broker who has submitted your application to Halifax, they can switch you to this deal, so don’t miss out!

Good Luck

John Yerou
Freelancer Financials