For me personally it has been helpful to consider it as "paying back what I owe and not a penny more" and that it was effectively the cheapest 100k I could have borrowed, particularly given the interest at the time. Fortunately the leg up I made in structuring my finances meant I jumped the housing ladder and my money is in equity.
Those in deeper than me, or that lived off of their money, I feel for. It has taken me a long time to come to some sort of peace with it all, but I think I'm somewhere close. It does however cement my opinion of this government and HMRC and I feel a great deal of unjust over the lack of action over the multi-national corporations paying f-all in to the pot, the 7 lives lost could have been saved through making an example of Amazon, Google, Apple, Starbucks and all the other businesses paying their share holders off of avoidance.
Those in deeper than me, or that lived off of their money, I feel for. It has taken me a long time to come to some sort of peace with it all, but I think I'm somewhere close. It does however cement my opinion of this government and HMRC and I feel a great deal of unjust over the lack of action over the multi-national corporations paying f-all in to the pot, the 7 lives lost could have been saved through making an example of Amazon, Google, Apple, Starbucks and all the other businesses paying their share holders off of avoidance.